The BRX Exclusive are JDM Wheels geared towards achieving a Luxury look. The BRX Exclusive features a short 5 spoke design reminisent of offerings from AMG and Lorinser wheels for Mercedes Benz Vehicles. The BRX Exclusive features 2 piece construction with exposed lug nuts. Also featured are the BRX BM-1 and BRX BS5.
The Yokohama BRX BR-1 are Classic JDM Wheels from the 90’s. As with many other popular JDM Wheels of the time, the YOkohama BRX BM-1 feature a classic mesh design with hidden lug nuts and a center nut which looks like a center lock design. Pictured are the Yokohama BRX BM-1 mounted on a Nissan Cedric Y32.