This Mazda Miata with Pit Crew Racing Kit on BBS RM Seems to be “The Talk” of the Wekfest Car Show in San Francisco last month. The Pit Crew Racing Kit is very rare, and quite pricey too; not too many examples have made it to the states. While BBS RS’s are very popular these days, this Miata is rolling on their 2 piece cousins the BBS RM. The hard top and Exhaust systems are also notable on this car.Profile Shot Sans Front Lip, The Front and Rear of this Car are Reworked Giving it a Different Shape of the Typical MiataRolling with the lights on, Looks like a UFOThe BBS RM Wheels are Pretty Wide and Sit Nice on this Mazda MiataRear View, the Rear Window is Pretty Interesting and the BBS RM Wheels Poke Out Quite a Bit.